208 Awesome sections

From cookie banners to carousels, we’ve collected some awesome sections from our favourite marketing websites. Have a look and find some inspiration for your next project.

Tola How it Works

Tola How it Works Section

Tines Stats

Tines Stats Section

Tines CTA

Tines CTA Section

Tines Bento Grid

Tines Bento Grid Section

Mailcoach Features

Mailcoach Features Section

Fincent Resources

Fincent Resources Section

Fincent CTA

Fincent CTA Section

Fincent Calculator

Fincent Calculator Section

Fincent Bento

Fincent Bento Section

Equals Hero

Equals Hero Section

Equals Features

Equals Features Section

Equals Bento Grid

Equals Bento Grid Section

Checkout Timeline

Checkout Timeline Section

Checkout Integrations

Checkout Integrations Section

Charma CTA

Charma CTA Section

Avo Testimonials

Avo Testimonials Section

Avo How it Works

Avo How it Works Section

Wel Interiors Footer

Wel Interiors Footer Section

Vaste Menu

Vaste Menu Section

Vaste Footer

Vaste Footer Section

Soller CTA

Soller CTA Section

Soller Footer

Soller Footer Section

Self Aware Menu

Self Aware Menu Section

Self Aware Footer

Self Aware Footer Section

Secfi Features

Secfi Features Section

Secfi Bento Grid

Secfi Bento Grid Section

Hiro Bento Grid

Hiro Bento Grid Section

Habitat Footer

Habitat Footer Section

Format Footer

Format Footer Section

Cocoon Footer

Cocoon Footer Section

Surfe CTA

Surfe CTA Section

Surfe Testimonials

Surfe Testimonials Section

Surfe Stats

Surfe Stats Section

Osome Nav Bar

Osome Nav Bar Section

Osome FAQs

Osome FAQs Section

Deliverect Nav Bar

Deliverect Nav Bar Section

Lemonade Social Proof

Lemonade Social Proof Section

Create Bento Grid

Create Bento Grid Section

Deliverect Calculator

Deliverect Calculator Section

Notion Cookie Banner

Notion Cookie Banner Section